Sant Valentí ha arribat i els alumnes han realitzat unes activitats molt divertides en què han treballat cooperativament.
Han gaudit molt ia part d'haver fet manualitats, hem escoltat cançons, hem vist vídeos i sobretot hem treballat el vocabulari de Sant Valentí.
Per desgràcia, només hem pogut captar algunes imatges amb els alumnes d'infantil, en el qual van rebre unes cartes dins d'una caixa de Sant Valentí a les quals dins d'aquestes, ¡havien dibuixos! Quina sorpresa es van dur!
Valentine's Day has arrived and the students have done some very fun activities which they have worked cooperatively.
They have enjoyed a lot and besides having done crafts, they have listened to songs, have seen videos and above all they have worked on Valentine's Day vocabulary.
Unfortunately, we have only been able to capture some images with the pre-schoolers, which they received some letters inside a Valentine's box in which inside, there were drawings! What a surprise they took!