2nd grade:
These days we started the classes with this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUi1YJVChpg
We got to know Rudolph the reindeer with this video:https://youtu.be/sOcgDU2Zfww

4th grade:
We watched this video from the film Penguins of Madagascar and talked about it https://youtu.be/2a8PrktN8Z4
Then we did our own paper penguins

5th grade:
We took pictures with Christmas headbands and did snowglobes with them.

6th grade:
We did a cooking activity. First we watched this video and they chose one of the three recipes in groups.
We worked on the vocabulary and instructions and prepared the balls in class. They were delicious. Finally we wrote the recipies using the "foli giratori" cooperative technique.