Before starting unit 2, we wanted to know how many parts of the body we could remember. So, 4th graders used one of the cooperative learning techniques called “Foli giratori”, in which each member of the group had the chance of writing as many words as he/she remembered. We realized that working in groups we could write a lot of parts of the body like: head, shoulders, knee, legs, arm, nose, among many others!
Abans de començar la unitat 2, volíem saber quantes parts del cos podíem recordar. Així que els alumnes de quart vàrem utilitzar l’estructura d'aprenentatge cooperatiu anomenada “Foli giratori”, en la qual cada membre del grup tenia l’oportunitat d’escriure totes les paraules que recordava. Ens vàrem adonar que treballant en grup podíem recordar moltes més!
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