dijous, 29 de novembre del 2018


Benvinguts de nou! Els alumnes de 4 anys  hem practicat el colors a través d’un joc “Els pescadors de colors”. Hem de dir que els alumnes s’ho han passat molt bé jugant i repassant alguns colors i aprenent alguns colors nous. Ens veiem a la següent publicació!

Welcome again! The students of 4 years  have practiced the colors through a game named "the colors". We must say that the students have enjoyed  playing and reviewing some colors and they have learnt some new colors. See you soon!

If you want to play with them with it or modify it a bit we encourage you to do so because they like it a lot!

Si voleu jugar amb ells a aquest joc o modificar-lo una mica us animem a fer-ho ja que els hi agrada molt!

If you want to play with them with it or modify it a bit we encourage you to do so because they like it a lot!

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