dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2020


Hello 3rd graders,

I hope you are all fine and you've had a good weekend.
This week we'll make a healthy recipe. FRUIT SALAD!

If you want, you can change out one or more ingredients.
Then your family can send me an email at jferrerm3@gmail.com and tell me how was it or send me a video of you making the recipe. 
Remember to speak English during the task!

OPTIONAL: You can write a new recipe. 

Eat well and enjoy!


Hello 3rd graders!

I hope you had a good Easter Break.


Aquí teniu dos llibres que podeu llegir valtros mateixos o us els pot llegir algú de la vostra família.

The Magic Porridge Pot
The Enormous Turnip

Després podeu fer una d'aquestes dos tasques sobre cadascun dels llibres.

Have a good week!



Esper que continueu tots i totes bé.
Aquí teniu les noves tasques d'Anglès.
Començam amb un tour per una estació espacial per veure com és el dia a dia dels astronautes:

I aquí podeu veure com mengen:

Ara toca fer la tasca sobre el que heu vist:

I per acabar, aquí teniu l'opció de jugar a un joc interactiu sobre el topic que estavem treballant:

                Hugs from Joana!

diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2020

ALBA'S GROUPS (From 27th to 30th of April)

Hello children, here we are again! 😀

First of all, congratulations, because you have been working hard these days. I appreciate it (and you too, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers...) Thank you very much 

I'm in love with the videos you did last week, good job!! 😍

Like always, you have the new activities in the link from Google Drive I gave you last week (clicau en la carpeta titulada "Setmana del 27 al 30 d'Abril). You have the explanations of the activities just there.

➨ Enllaç activitats 4t: 


➨ Enllaç activitats 5è: 


Enllaç solucions activitats setmana passada 5è 

This week, you will do some activities but also you will try a new game with Quizizz. I hope you like it.
If you have any questions, please contact me at albagpeivissa@gmail.com or just leave a commet below.

Hello everyone!!! 
It's time to play some boardgames with your family. With them you will review the vocabulary studied in class. 
You can send me an e-mail to tell me if you win or not.
Good Luck!!! 



Here you have two links to print some of them better:

board game parts of the body

board game toys




divendres, 24 d’abril del 2020

💚💚💚💚 Extra activities for 6th grade

Hi kids!
How are you doing?
Here you have some links to practice with different types of activities. 

       When you finish the activity, you press "Terminado" and you can check your answers.

  • This website is magic! Try and play with 

Akinator LITE for Android - APK Download

 You think of a person, an animal or an object and Akinator will try to guess what you are thinking.    
(VERY IMPORTANT!! You have to select English and Child mode)  


dilluns, 20 d’abril del 2020

CAROL'S GROUPS (3, 4 and 5 years old children/1st graders -primary education-)

Hi again children!
During these days and apart from the activities about the story The very hungry caterpillar, I want to propose you to learn and sing a new and rhythmic song with your family. It's very funny!!!You will love it!!💗💗

Do you remember Pinocchio's story? do you want to watch the video of his story?

pinocchio's story

Now, you can do some extra work if you want. You can colour some pinocchio pictures, or do the next activities.

pinocchio's jigsaw
pinocchio's body
pinocchio's feelings
follow the numbers with pinocchio
pinocchio's crafts



diumenge, 19 d’abril del 2020

ALBA'S GROUPS (4t i 5è). From 20th to 24th of April

Hello boys and girls! How are you? How have you spent these days? I hope you are well and having a good time with your family. Don't worry, everything is going to be OK!! 😊😗. You can count on me, and that's why I have upload this song for you. I hope you like. Listen it and sing it with your family!!

Do you want to participate in a challenge? Here you have the lyric of the song, but there are some missing words. Can you guess them?
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the ________,

I'll sail the _______ to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't _______,

I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our ______ in need
You can count on me like one two _______

I'll be there

And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two

You'll be there

'Cause that's what _____ are supposed to do, oh yeah
I have some new activities to do, you will find the link from Google drive, in which there is a document with the explanations of the activities here:

➨Enllaç activitats 4t: 

Enllaç activitats 5è:

Have a nice week! If you have any doubts, contact me at albagpeivissa@gmail.com

Estimats pares i mares,
he posat a continuació un enllaç de Google Drive on trobareu totes les activitats que hem fet fins ara i a més, una carpeta (Tercera quinzena)  amb les activitats a realitzar aquesta setmana a més d'una petita explicació i respecte a la seva correccióSi teniu qualque dubte, contacteu amb jo a través de l'email albagpeivissa@gmail.com. Gràcies.

dimecres, 15 d’abril del 2020


STORY TIME with Carol!!!
Hi kids!! 
If you are bored and you don't know what to do, I've got a plan for you!! Do you like listening to stories?? I've got one!!! THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR. First, you can watch the video, and later I propose you some crafts and activities to do.

  Some possible crafts to do with your family:


The next Reading and Writing Exercise is only for students in the 1st course:


dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2020

💜💜💜 It's Easter time! 2nd grade

History of Easter Traditions Around the World - Why We Celebrate ...Hi kids!
Easter holidays have arrived and now you will have time to rest and enjoy with your families. 

You can watch this Easter story 👇

Here you have a song about Easter eggs! 👇

And here you have some games to play! 👇

I hope you enjoy these activities! 

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2020

💚💚💚 Transformer Origami for 6th grade

Hi kids!
Today I propose to you an origami activity. It's a Transformer Ninja Star.                                                                          

Please, watch the video👇 

Here you have a video with all the instructions to make your stars  👇


You can prepare a star and play with your family to see who can shoot down more paper or plastic cups. You can also use toilet paper rolls.

Don't forget to take a photo of your stars and send it to me to anacapeivissa@gmail.com
Here you can see the stars that I made. Do you like them?

  I love receiving your photos, thank you!

Look! This is the first star that I have received. It's made by Ángel from 6th B. It's perfect, congratulatios!

I have received more, this is Izan's star from 6th B, well done!

And another fantastic star made by Omar from 6th B, you are great!

Look at the new stars I have received, it's made by Manu from 6thA, fantastic!

This star is made by Toni from 6thB, he says he enjoyed making it because it's an interesting figure! 

I hope to see you soon! 😘

dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2020


Hello children! How are you? I hope you are well! 

You can check the answers of the activities that I sent last week here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PofjhXDUcB6GuugZi7uoUmKmYqIQZbcw?usp=sharing

For this week,I propose to do some online activities.  First, you have to acces to this website https://www.blinklearning.com/signin  and then, you have you log in using this class code: 

4th A: CL98898159
4th B: CL17457894

5th A: CL87191714
5th B: CL25283822

If you are in 4th Grade, you will find a book called "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 4" 

If you are in 5th Grade, you will find a book called "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 5". 

You can do the activities of the units 1 and 2. If you haven't finished the other activities, don't worry, just keep doing, little by little

Please, comment on this post so I know that you have read it and ask any questions if needed, I will answer back as soon as possible. 


Hola nens! Com esteu? Espero que súper bé! Per aquesta setmana, us proposo fer algunes activitats amb l'ordinador : 


1. Registra't en Blink (https://www.blinklearning.com/home) amb les teves dades personals i introduint el codi de classe que t'ha facilitat el teu professor (COLOR VERD)

4th A: CL98898159
4th B: CL17457894

5th A: CL87191714
5th B: CL25283822

2. Ja tens accés al material i pots començar a treballar amb ell una vegada el teu professor t'hagi acceptat en la classe.
Si esteu a 4t, trobareu un llibre anomenat "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 4"

Si esteu en 5è, trobareu un llibre anomenat "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 5".

Podeu fer les activitats de les unitats 1 i 2. Si no heu finalitzat les altres activitats, no us preocupeu, continueu fent-ho, a poc a poc.

Si us plau, comenteu aquesta publicació per a que jo pugui saber que ho heu llegit i heu de fer alguna pregunta si cal. Respondré el més aviat possible.

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2020

💚 💚 Extra activities for 6th grade

Hello boys and girls, how are you? 
Let's go on practicing English with some activities while we can't return to school. To have access to these activities you have to log in to this website https://www.blinklearning.com/signin using this class code: 
6th ACL13181854
6th BCL61736678

There you will find a book called "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 6". You can do the activities of the units 1 and 2
You don't have to do all of them right away, take your time! I will see your progress and give you some help if you need it. 
Please, comment on this post so I know that you have read it and ask any questions if needed, I will answer back as soon as possible. 
I send you a warm hug! 

Ana Capitán

Hola a tots i totes! Com esteu?
Anem a seguir practicant Anglès amb algunes activitats mentre no podem tornar a l'escola. Per accedir a aquestes activitats heu de registrar-vos en aquesta pàgina web https://www.blinklearning.com/signin utilitzant aquest codi de classe:
6th A: CL13181854
6th B: CL61736678 

Quan entreu trobareu un llibre que es diu "Amazing Rooftops i-progress check 6". Podeu fer les activitats de les unitats 1 i 2.
No les heu de fer totes d'una vegada, preneu-vos el vostre temps! Jo podré veure el vostre progrés i donar-vos l'ajuda que necessiteu. 
Per favor, comenteu aquesta entrada del bloc per saber que l'heu llegida i pregunteu el que necessiteu, contestaré el més aviat possible. 
Una forta abraçada per a tots!

Ana Capitán

If you have finished with your English work, here you have 2 more activities. You need your scissors and your glue stick. Are you ready?

season song(if you need help here you have a song to remember the seasons in a year)

Lots of hugs from Carol💓


divendres, 3 d’abril del 2020

💜💜 Video for 2nd grade

Hi kids!
Watch the video and practice with me at home.

This song is in your Surprise cd. If you want you can make your own video and send it to me to anacapeivissa@gmail.com 
You can prepare your own puppets using this images 👉 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KUEGHYTt7n_wNmTjUl9meb25nBRquzyj/view?usp=sharing or drawing them.

See you!

Ana Capitán